For decades, HaRav Elazar Mordechai Kenig, zt"l took upon himself to bring simchas Yom Tov to the poor of Tsfat. HaRav Kenig, who devoted himself night and day, all year long, to the Tsfat community and to his supporters around the world, was especially dedicated to the Kimcha D'Pischa project. Each year, with your help he was able to distribute over 500 food packages, with all the necessities for Pesach, down to the last detail, including matzos, chicken, fish, wine, eggs and more, to families from all over the city. In fact the week before his passing, he called his son and told him that he wants to distribute more food and to more people. To our tremendous sorrow HaRav Kenig, zt"l is no longer with us in this world, but his dream lives on.
HaRav Ephraim Kenig, shlita continues this important tradition,
with your help ensuring that hundreds of families in Tsfat receive their basic needs for Pesach.
HaRav Ephraim Kenig, shlita continues this important tradition,
with your help ensuring that hundreds of families in Tsfat receive their basic needs for Pesach.
To Sponsor a Kimcha d'Pischa Pesach Food Basket (or partial basket)
Cost of Food Basket:
Full Basket: $400
Half Basket: $200
Donate Here
ALL DONATIONS are accepted with blessing and gratitude
*All donations are tax deductible
To learn more about our Pesach Campaign 5785/2025 - click here
Together, supporting and encouraging the growth of Tsfat, Israel through innovation, educational institutions and social programming.
Under the auspices of HaRav Ephraim Kenig, shlita
Become a Friend of Tsfat - Donate Today!
* All donations are tax-deductible
* All donations are tax-deductible